Frank and Mary Ronnenberg
Situated along the bay near southern Florida’s charming Venetian Village, Frank and Mary Ronnenberg had enjoyed their beautiful property for many years. Their old home needed renovations, but flood control restrictions presented a problem… or should we say an opportunity.
Frank pointed out that his original builder had a fantastic reputation, but he wouldn’t budge off his design. “He just kept rearranging things, but it was always the same.” The Ronnenbergs needed a builder that would move their plans forward.
The Ronnenbergs did their homework. Frank wanted to know who Southern Bay Homes had done business with, so Mark Bagley provided a list of about 30 homes and a couple of banks. Mark told Frank, “Call them and find out what they say.” Frank randomly selected 8 clients and called both banks.
The Ronnenbergs will tell you that they really liked Mark Bagley personally when they first met him, but the references from prior clients were the most compelling reason they went with Southern Bay Homes.
Mark took the Ronnenbergs to see 2 or 3 houses that he had under construction. Then they told him what they were interested in, and he had the architectural drawings and the building plans drawn up. Frank is still impressed as he reminisces, “No, we had no problems at all. We just sat down and hacked it all out… after we got the first plan set, then we had another idea, which they were able to redo the plans and incorporate, and that was it!”
War stories about builders are abundant and extensive. When people ask Frank how he made out with his builder, Frank enjoys telling them how great it was. Frank tells them that Mark Bagley is the one to talk to. “They did a good job on our place. It was done on schedule, and when they said it was going to be done, it was done.”